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New Things Are Coming!

We have been really busy creating a new line to add to our beautiful range. Our Room Mists have now been added to our range for you to enjoy!

How cute are these? Available now in the flavours per the drop down menu on the Car Diffuser Page


We are also devising some new scents for the summer – Hands up who loves Neroli, Jasmine, Gardenia, Patchouli, Strawberries, Bergamot, and Lily – not all together but elements of as we have a few fragrances to work on.

This summer, we will also be seeing the launch of our new vessels, made by us that we have been trying out for some months to ensure that they meet our high quality standards.

We will also be adding two new scents to our insect repellent candles – Lavender & Patchouli and Geranium & Peppermint! – Coming Soon!

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